sorrel on news 5 Things Foreigners in China Shouldn’t Do(2 comments)

May 24,2024 18:18 comment|92226|246226

1) so it is ok for the Chinese to scream abuse at you (it has happened to me) when I kept my calm in the face of open hostility. 3) This is incorrect. You are unlikely to see a foreigner (unless young and male) wearing inappropriate clothing in public. However you are quite likely to see young Chinese women dressed ... Full Comment>>

sorrel on news 5 Industries that Want Expat Workers in China(5 comments)

Mar 24,2024 20:13 comment|91556|246226

look in the jobs section and apply to any you want. no one will do this for you. Full Comment>>

sorrel on news My Worst Expat Colleagues as an ESL Teacher in China(6 comments)

Dec 10,2023 19:37 comment|90444|246226

ah yes, and i remember when ECC posted soft porn pics as acceptable content. Full Comment>>

sorrel on news How to Write Great Cover Letters for China Job Applications(5 comments)

Nov 11,2023 01:52 comment|90136|246226

Did you apply for any jobs? And I suggest you check your grammar - it should be "I'm good AT English" - this is basic. Thirdly, NEVER put any personal contact information such as an email address or phone number on a public forum. Employers are not going to contact you. You are asking to be trolled (or worse) Full Comment>>

sorrel on news My Worst Expat Colleagues as an ESL Teacher in China(6 comments)

Nov 09,2023 01:34 comment|90100|246226

Dear ECC, I would not publish articles like this disparaging the people who it is trying to attract, and this is something that ECC seems to do on a regular basis. There is no balance showing the different 'worst Chinese colleagues' and believe me they are much more dangerous and vindictive that the lazy foreign ... Full Comment>>

sorrel on news How to Write Great Cover Letters for China Job Applications(5 comments)

Sep 20,2023 17:09 comment|89576|246226

this is no different from writing a cover letter in any other country. China is not special in this regard. Full Comment>>

sorrel on news 4 Strange Things that Might Happen in a Job Interview in China(6 comments)

Jun 01,2023 03:32 comment|88418|246226

I agree with your points, unlike the other shy poster. Full Comment>>

sorrel on news How to Avoid a Mismatched Teaching Job in China(8 comments)

May 07,2022 14:42 comment|83808|246226

you are right about asking questions when being interviewed. Full Comment>>

sorrel on news The 3 Most Important Things to Consider Before Taking a Teaching Job in China (11 comments)

Nov 12,2021 21:08 comment|81826|246226

more 'flexible' schools are just random ones. It will be hit and miss trying to contact them. just keep applying for jobs and try to cut through the BS you will encounter (and you will encounter a LOT if you are new to China). My advice is look to work elsewhere - South Korea, Japan etc. These countries are more ... Full Comment>>

sorrel on news The 3 Most Important Things to Consider Before Taking a Teaching Job in China (11 comments)

Nov 10,2021 22:29 comment|81804|246226

being a 'non-native' English speaker does not stop Chinese schools from trying to employ them. Smaller schools in remote locations are more 'flexible' as to who they employ. Basically, if the Chinese school does not have a licence to employ a foreign worker (and offer the potential employee the correct visa) it does ... Full Comment>>

sorrel on news We’re Not All English Teachers! Other Jobs for Expats in China(4 comments)

Oct 18,2021 00:03 comment|81560|246226

speaking from personal experience? Just asking..... but then again, ALL foreign workers in China are prostitutes to some extent, being asked to whore their integrity (and sometimes moral standards). Full Comment>>

sorrel on news Pay Day Anxiety: A Monthly Certainly for Expat Workers in China?(7 comments)

Sep 26,2021 15:45 comment|81320|246226

yes, it is acceptable to mistreat employees and hold them to ransom by not paying salary owed WHEN owed. How better to control workers than withhold their salary? Full Comment>>

sorrel on news The 3 Most Important Things to Consider Before Taking a Teaching Job in China (11 comments)

Aug 29,2021 18:52 comment|80988|246226

the most important thing to consider is if the school can LEGALLY employ you. Everything else is noise compared to this. Full Comment>>

sorrel on news 6 Things Foreigners Working in Chinese Companies Should Avoid(12 comments)

Jul 27,2021 06:11 comment|80634|246226

if you are a 'guest' then that still does not mean that you should tolerate being treated like crap. Some Chinese seem to use this excuse to justify treating people badly, and then they get 'angry' when people point out that you don't treat 'guests' like that. Nor would locals tolerate receiving the treatment that ... Full Comment>>

sorrel on news 7 Traps Foreigners Working in China Easily Fall Into(4 comments)

Jul 24,2021 21:48 comment|80614|246226

and the BS continues....... 1) it is unlikely that the foreign worker will think the local boss is their friend. in my experience the locals 'pressure' the foreigner to 'be their friend' for 'status' and the foreigner would not want to rude. 2) OMG ! again, in my experience the locals tend to be risk averse whereas ... Full Comment>>

sorrel on news 6 Things Foreigners Working in Chinese Companies Should Avoid(12 comments)

Jul 04,2021 14:12 comment|80424|246226

it is a pity that they are not based in reality. Full Comment>>

sorrel on news 6 Things Foreigners Working in Chinese Companies Should Avoid(12 comments)

Jul 02,2021 04:21 comment|80418|246226

patronising much? 1) I found that local colleagues would speak English to me when i said i wanted to become more proficient in Chinese, or the switched to a local dialect and continue their conversation. 2) a Colleague using the toilet for something than its intended purpose, especially when cubicles are at a ... Full Comment>>

sorrel on news Blunders to Avoid as a New Foreign Teacher in China(2 comments)

Jun 09,2021 01:08 comment|80386|246226

Don't be suckered into answering questions like 'do you like China'. People are looking to be offended by your answer if you don't give the one they like. Then you are the 'bad laowei' Full Comment>>

sorrel on news Habits You Should Strive to Adopt as an Expat Living in China(17 comments)

Jun 07,2021 14:14 comment|80382|246226

@nkane (I can see your alias even though you have selected the 'guest' setting). Very quick about resorting to the insults and name calling. Would you have the courage to repeat all of this face to face? This site has devolved years ago from being a useful place to useless thanks to poor Admin and the recycling of ... Full Comment>>

sorrel on news Habits You Should Strive to Adopt as an Expat Living in China(17 comments)

May 30,2021 15:56 comment|80366|246226

"respected" ? - I'm sorry that makes me laugh. Truth is more important than respect. I suggest you use your alias when posting - I can see it so why so shy? Full Comment>>

sorrel on news Habits You Should Strive to Adopt as an Expat Living in China(17 comments)

May 30,2021 15:41 comment|80364|246226

you are VERY specific about your comments regarding Canadians - or do you mean ALL foreigners? Thrift is not a trait exclusive to Chinese. Many Chinese i knew were broke all the time because they were more concerned with 'face' and having the right phone/clothes etc. Whereas the majority of foreigners i knew in ... Full Comment>>

sorrel on news Habits You Should Strive to Adopt as an Expat Living in China(17 comments)

May 30,2021 15:36 comment|80362|246226

@ 'guest' sadly this poster resorts very quickly to personal insults and said in another article that (in his opinion) women DESERVE to be harassed on the street. Hardly something anyone could respect in a man. Do not expect a direct response. Full Comment>>

sorrel on news 6 Signs You've Fully Assimilated to Life in China(14 comments)

May 29,2021 02:22 comment|80348|246226

these are all recycled, just the name is changed. heaven forbid an original article is written. Full Comment>>

sorrel on news Habits You Should Strive to Adopt as an Expat Living in China(17 comments)

May 25,2021 15:21 comment|80322|246226

it is quite patronizing to generalize about foreign workers and assume that they have none of the above habits. And it is equally false to imply that Chinese people HAVE all these habits. ECC is doing itself no favours in the eyes of the people it wants to attract if it continues to be 'insulting' and ignorant and ... Full Comment>>

sorrel on news The 5 Best Sports for Making Local Friends in China(9 comments)

May 20,2021 13:41 comment|80304|246226

have to make this site look 'active'. So many of these 'lists' are recycled on a regular basis, just the 'author' is changed. Full Comment>>

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