Mateusz on news Beijing Rejects Canada’s Explanation of ‘Offensive’ Wuhan T-Shirts(7 comments)

Mar 20,2021 10:04 comment|79539|48324

Any proof to back up that assertion? Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news China’s Education Ministry Vows to Fight ‘Feminization’ of Boys(6 comments)

Mar 20,2021 10:03 comment|79537|48324

Their diets are far less soy, and far more animal protein. Meat, eggs, and dairy are making up the bulk of what they eat. it's like they are just mainlining estrogen. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Chinese Schools Make Golf Compulsory to Improve Manners(4 comments)

Oct 28,2017 10:36 comment|74449|48324

Instead of improving manners by teaching kids to clean up after themselves, treat minorities like people, and not defecate in public, they're teaching golf... logic with Chinese characteristics. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news 7 Big Differences Between Hong Kong and Mainland China(7 comments)

Oct 28,2017 10:34 comment|74448|48324

Mainlanders can be amazingly friendly... they just typically aren't. I keep hearing Chinese brag about their supposed friendliness, but haven't seen it in person. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Xi Takes Prawns and Free Haircuts off Menu for 19th Party Congress(3 comments)

Oct 17,2017 06:55 comment|74409|48324

Maybe Xi just finally admitted that he needed to go on a diet. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news ‘Too Good-Looking Son’ Proved Not Related to Parents(1 comments)

Aug 08,2017 06:38 comment|74292|48324

If that boy is "too good looking" to be related to his parents, we can all be thankful they chose not to include pictures of the parents in the article. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news 8 Western Habits Chinese People Find Gross(10 comments)

Aug 02,2017 23:54 comment|74286|48324

How is it "xenophobia" to be disgusted by public spitting, urination, and defecation? These spread disease. It's not just that we don't like Chinese culture. Also, if these are things Chinese find gross, why is it that Chinese do them? If sitting on toilet seats is considered so disgusting, why does pretty ... Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Chinese Netizens Outraged by Video of Panda Cub ‘Abuse’(4 comments)

Aug 02,2017 22:30 comment|74285|48324

Animal abuse in a Chinese zoo? I am shocked. Truly shocked. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Don’t Be an Outsider in China: Six Tips to Help You Fit In(30 comments)

Jun 23,2017 23:06 comment|74138|48324

You left out Step 7) Be yellow, because if you're the wrong race, no matter what you will do, you will never be accepted. If you aren't Han, or can't pass for Han, you'll always be an outsider, one of "Them". As long as Chinese consider race to be the deciding factor in whether someone is, or is not, ... Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Why Can't China Attract Foreign Professionals? (52 comments)

May 03,2017 08:19 comment|73996|48324

Looks like a fairly Chinese article. The first given reason "foreigners" are not coming is that they're not qualified enough, and Chinese are better (gotta get that nationalism in there). At least they acknowledge that there are problems. Mentioning Kitto's article is a baby step towards actually talking ... Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news The Pleasures of Home after Life in China(6 comments)

Nov 11,2016 10:29 comment|73398|48324

I guess whoever wrote this was being tactful and avoiding mention of the people or culture. I don't think I'm the only one who enjoys not being stared at, not having racial slurs hurled at me because I look different from 99% of the population, or basic manners regarding smoking, littering, waiting in line... and ... Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news How to Contact the Police in China and When to Do It(66 comments)

Nov 11,2016 08:42 comment|73397|48324

When to do it is either when you aren't the wrong race and/or nationality, or you at least have enough money to hongbao your way to some actual help. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Foreign Performers Win Lawsuit for Delinquent Pay, the Employer Appeals(3 comments)

Aug 17,2016 12:47 comment|72884|48324

I'm conflicted. Should I be happy that non-Chinese were able to win a court case against Chinese, or depressed that it happens so rarely that it's considered news? Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news 12 Traffic Violations that Will Cost You Your Chinese Drivers’ License(9 comments)

Aug 09,2016 08:57 comment|72749|48324

A better title is: "12 Situations You May Need To Ready Your Hongbao If The Traffic Cops' Greed Outweighs Their Laziness". Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news White-Washed Great Wall Movie Causes Controversy Online (30 comments)

Aug 04,2016 08:43 comment|72631|48324

You didn't cry like a baby, since you're not a racist crybully like Wu. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news White-Washed Great Wall Movie Causes Controversy Online (30 comments)

Aug 04,2016 06:44 comment|72625|48324

If you're having trouble thinking of an action movie where the main actor is Asian, just look at pretty much every action movie from China, where the casting is a damn sight more monochrome than Hollywood. Even if you only want to count Western movies, there is The Expendables, Shanghai Noon/Shanghai Nights, Batman ... Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news White-Washed Great Wall Movie Causes Controversy Online (30 comments)

Aug 04,2016 06:40 comment|72624|48324

So... a single white guy in a Chinese movie - whitewashing? Does that mean Constance Wu is committing the horrible act of yellowwashing? A white person asserting that only white people should be in American movies, and rants against non-whites in American movies would be racist (I say would be, since I don't know ... Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news American Woman Goes on Rampage in Beijing Bar(12 comments)

Jul 28,2016 23:03 comment|72514|48324

Chinese logic. She has a "foreign look", and America is just the English (Waiguo hua) name for Waiguo. Every foreigner is American, unless they're black. Then they are either African, or Obama. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Dongyang Locals Enjoy Eggs Soaked in the Urine of Young Boys (13 comments)

Jul 28,2016 23:00 comment|72513|48324

Dumbass racism, blind support of Chinese derpitude... yup. You're back in true form. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news 6 Steps to Help Ease Your Seasonal Depression (9 comments)

Mar 23,2016 11:45 comment|69932|48324

Awesome timing having this at the end of winter, instead of the start. Look forward to December's article on how to avoid heat stroke. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Don't Worry, Be Happy: 6 Tips to Enjoy Your Stay in China(64 comments)

Mar 16,2016 11:54 comment|69762|48324

This is more of a list of ways to hate your stay. 1) Discover the Culture : That's kinda the problem in the first place. Hoards of middle aged women dancing to shitty music, spitting, public urination/defecation, xenophobia... discovering these doesn't make for an enjoyable stay. 2) Learn the Language : Awesome. Now ... Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Feeling Under the Weather? Try these Traditional Chinese Remedies(6 comments)

Mar 15,2016 18:08 comment|69720|48324

Whoa, whoa whoa... touchin' a lady's feet and sticking your tongue in her holiest of holies ain't the same thing. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Men’s Style in China - Tips for Spring 2016(11 comments)

Mar 15,2016 18:02 comment|69719|48324

Is this a troll article? Are they pranking people to see if they'll really dress up like a typical Chinese? Do you have a beer belly? Flaunt it! Roll your shirt up for all to behold. Don't forget to hold your hands behind your back, to give your gut extra volume Wear something with a Nike or Adidas logo on it (bonus ... Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Woman Fired For Dressing Like a Man at Work(13 comments)

Mar 12,2016 23:34 comment|69623|48324

Yeah, because China is a Christian country, and the oppression of homosexuality is by the officially Christian Party. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Man Hit Wife For Disconnecting The Wifi(14 comments)

Mar 10,2016 09:49 comment|69541|48324

Notified their parents? Can Chinese police be any more useless? The only punishment was to inform the parents. Given that the guy's parents raised him to be an overgrown child, I doubt they would be able to help out. Full Comment>>

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