Chairman_Meow on news The 10 Wonders of China: Add Them to Your Bucket List! (4 comments)

Nov 16,2016 09:51 comment|73414|1650386

Ahh...Chinese tourist attractions...Hell on earth! Full Comment>>

Chairman_Meow on news Freelancing Foreigners: Making Some Extra Mao(6 comments)

Nov 15,2016 22:09 comment|73413|1650386

It's because ECC is a front for the CCP and they want foreigners to work illegally so they can catch them and deport them. Full Comment>>

Chairman_Meow on news A More Western China? 4 Areas Where the West Has Impacted China (12 comments)

Nov 14,2016 11:01 comment|73409|1650386

Under Xi Jinping life in China is going back to the stone ages. Full Comment>>

Chairman_Meow on news Nine Ways to keep Healthy While Drinking(12 comments)

Nov 11,2016 17:46 comment|73399|1650386

Point #7 is a load of total and utter garbage. Care to back up this statement with some scientific evidence ECC? It's similar to the "Don't wash for 30 days after having a baby" nonsense. Chinese grandma science at its best. Full Comment>>

Chairman_Meow on news The Pleasures of Home after Life in China(6 comments)

Nov 08,2016 11:21 comment|73384|1650386

China is a toxic country. From the food, to the air to the quality of the alcohol. I notice this every time I go home to Australia. I wake up feeling much more fresh with a better state of mind. Also the fact that I'm not waking up to some bozo on a jackhammer at 6am makes a difference. Full Comment>>

Chairman_Meow on news China’s Parachute Children: Studying Abroad Without Parental Guidance(7 comments)

Nov 07,2016 18:36 comment|73382|1650386

I try to stay away from poorly made Chinese rubbish produced in a sweat shop by child slaves. Full Comment>>

Chairman_Meow on news How to Contact the Police in China and When to Do It(66 comments)

Nov 07,2016 18:32 comment|73381|1650386

Another shoddy repost with useless information. Full Comment>>

Chairman_Meow on news Why Do Chinese People Want Trump to Get Elected?(7 comments)

Nov 03,2016 12:46 comment|73364|1650386

Hilary isn't capable of working as an Oompa Loompa making gobstoppers. Full Comment>>

Chairman_Meow on news 5 Ways to Win Over Your Chinese Boss(17 comments)

Nov 02,2016 10:15 comment|73348|1650386

Slow day in the CCP propaganda department. Full Comment>>

Chairman_Meow on news China’s Parachute Children: Studying Abroad Without Parental Guidance(7 comments)

Nov 02,2016 10:14 comment|73347|1650386

Western countries allow millions of Chinese the opportunity to study abroad and improve their lives. What does China do for us? Nothing! Full Comment>>

Chairman_Meow on news Two Beijingers Have Bad Experiences with Uber Drivers(5 comments)

Oct 25,2016 16:45 comment|73281|1650386

Wow! What a great story! Forget about the thousands of people who get screwed by taxis everyday. Full Comment>>

Chairman_Meow on news China is Not Among the World’s Healthiest Countries(2 comments)

Oct 25,2016 16:43 comment|73280|1650386

Don't need an article to tell me this! Full Comment>>


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